Behaviour & Anti-bullying

This school believes that pupils have a right to be taught and the teachers the right to teach.  We have very high expectations of our pupils in relation to their attitude, their work and their behaviour. We strive to create a culture in which there is visible consistency with visible kindness to allow exceptional behaviour to flourish. Good behaviour should be rewarded and sanctions imposed when behaviour is not appropriate.  Our behaviour policy aims to ensure that all children are treated equally and fairly and is based on a calm, consistent insistence of high standards of behaviour from all at all times. It encourages pupils to behave in a responsible manner towards others, showing respect, consideration and kindness. 

It is important that first attention is provided to good behaviour which should be recognised and rewarded. If pupils are praised when it is merited, then a positive climate is established in which pupils’ self-esteem is nurtured. 




Respectful and kind

The headteacher is responsible for:

  • Establishing the standard of behaviour expected by pupils at the school.
  • Determining the school rules and any disciplinary sanctions for breaking the rules.
  • The day-to-day implementation of this policy.
  • Publishing this policy and making it available to staff, parents and pupils at least once a year.
  • Reporting to the governing board on the implementation of this Behavioural Policy, including its effectiveness in addressing any SEMH-related issues that could be driving disruptive behaviour.

 Children are responsible for:

  • To work to the best of their abilities and allow others to do the same.
  • Follow the expectations of the school, both in school and on the playground.
  • To treat others with respect.
  • To take care of property and the environment in and out of school.
  • To co-operate with other children and adults.
  • Tell the truth when incidents do occur so that they can be dealt with correctly.

 Staff are responsibe for:

  • Model to the children appropriate behaviour.
  • Encourage appropriate behaviour in class and around school – hold positive values and attitudes and adopt high standards of behaviour in their professional role.
  • To treat all children fairly and with respect.
  • To raise children's self-esteem and develop their full potential, praising and rewarding good work and appropriate behaviour.
  • To create a safe and pleasant environment, physically and emotionally.
  • To remind children of the school rules, rewards and sanctions regularly and to apply them clearly and consistently.
  • Provide interesting and stimulating work, which is appropriate to each child’s requirements.
  • Recognise possible times where inappropriate behaviour may occur and seek avenues to avoid this.
  • To form a good relationship with parents/carers so that all children can see that the key adults in their lives share a common aim.
  • To recognise that each child is an individual, and to be aware of their needs.

 Parents/Carers are responsible for: 

  • To support school in the implementation of this policy.
  • To model to the children appropriate behaviour.
  • To make children aware of appropriate behaviour in all situations.
  • Adhere to the school’s equal opportunities policies by treating each and every member of the school community with respect.
  • Ensure my child attends school and arrives on time.
  • On the first day of absence inform the school of the reason.
  • Ensure that my child has the correct uniform and wears it to school.
  • Be willing to help their child with their work in school and at home.
  • Listen to their child read regularly.
  • Take an interest in all that their child does in school and attend parents’ evenings.
  • Share information (education, welfare and behaviour) that will help my child at school.
  • Support our programme of educational day visits and residential visits.

What we do to encourage good behaviour

At Christleton primary school we acknowledge the importance of praise and recognition and seek to promote and reinforce our expectation of students at every opportunity. We recognise that children thrive on praise, the thrill of success and the glow of recognition. Praise should reward the deserving. It should raise aspirations, promote engagement, inspire and motivate those who may be struggling.

We must praise and reward whenever possible:

  • Formally or informally
  • Publically or discretely
  • Regularly
  • Consistently
  • Sincerely

We work hard to ensure that children of all ability levels and in all year groups across the school can benefit from our recognition process and that there is consistent application of policy across year groups and by all members of the school team.

Recognition must be given sincerely and fairly as a means of acknowledging an effort, achievement or action that is above and beyond the norm.

What if children misbehave?

The school implements a range of strategies to support pupils to modify their behaviour. These will be proportionate and fair responses that may vary according to the age of the pupil, and any other circumstances that may affect the pupil. Account must be taken of the pupils age and any special educational needs or disability they may have, and any religious requirements affecting them.

The school believes in dealing with misbehaviour privately so that status is not achieved via negative behaviour. A clear, consistent approach is used by all adults when dealing with misbehaviour.

Restorative conversations and repair  

Wherever possible the school will seek to support the pupil by helping them to reflect on their behaviour through a restorative conversation based on a series of no more than five questions selected from:

  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking at the time?
  • What have you thought since?
  • How did this make you feel?
  • Who has been effective?
  • What should we do to put things right?
  • How can we do things differently in the future?

For more information please see the documents attached below



All children at Christleton Primary School are expected to behave with consideration and care for each other. We aim to provide a caring and secure environment in which all children are able to play and work together in a spirit of cooperation and free from negative interference from others.

Definition of bullying

Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves.

Bullying can be carried out by individuals or groups of people. Bullies often try to involve other people in their behaviour. On lookers who do nothing are often part of the bullying. This is completely unacceptable behaviour.

Bullying can take many forms. The main types are identified below:

  • Physical (hitting, kicking, theft, damage to property)
  • Verbal (name calling, insulting, making offensive remarks, racist remarks)
  • (Including cyber-bullying – verbal bullying using texting and social networking sites)
  • Indirect (spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups).

The school will treat any examples of bullying as a very serious matter.

Pupils who are being bullied may show changes in behaviour, such as becoming shy and nervous, feigning illness, taking unusual absences or clinging to adults. There may be evidence of changes in work patterns, lacking concentration or truanting from school. Pupils must be encouraged to report bullying by telling someone at school and at home.

School curriculum 

Within the curriculum the school will raise the awareness of the nature of bullying through inclusion in RSHE, assemblies and subject areas, as appropriate, in an attempt to eradicate such behaviour.

Annually the school marks anti-bullying week in November. 

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Christleton Primary School

Quarry Ln, Christleton, Chester CH3 7AY
Our school is a place of learning where everyone is valued and positively encouraged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
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Telephone 01244 455288
Contact Tina Harwood, Taryn Croft and Jane Hughes
Bursar and School Admin Assistants
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