Our Curriculum



Our children’s needs, interests, and aspirations, as well as the community they live in, are at the heart of our curriculum decisions. We challenge the children to be the best they can be whilst considering the legal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary National Curriculum.

Our curriculum recognises each child as a unique individual who should have access to quality first teaching and learning.

The curriculum is well sequenced and ignites children’s interest through exciting, enriching, engaging and inspiring opportunities and experiences to learn new skills, embed existing ones.

Our curriculum ensures our children acquire and build knowledge over time and provides our children with opportunities to show their understanding. These opportunities enable our children to become independent, resilient and successful learners who are able to explore, discover and then reflect on their learning.

Our curriculum ensures that our children belong and are proud of where they come from. It encourages our children to:

1...jpg Look up Look up to understand who they are, be invested and interested in their own learning and their environment.
  2...png Look out Look out to link their learning and view opportunities to develop and embed.
Look beyond
Look beyond their locality to make a contribution and aspire to be the best they can be.


We intend that our curriculum provides a positive school experience where children are happy, develop a strong sense of belonging and are equipped with personal characteristics required to succeed in life, value diversity and embrace the opportunities the world provides. 


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At Christleton Primary School our curriculum is implemented with our curriculum intent at the heart of all we do.

`Learning can be defined as an alteration in long-term memory. If nothing has altered in long-term memory, nothing has been learned. In order to develop understanding, pupils connect new knowledge with existing knowledge.’ (Ofsted)

Our curriculum design is based on evidence from principles of learning, on-going assessment and organisation and cognitive research.


The main principles underpinning our curriculum are;

  • Our curriculum is aspirational in order to ensure the highest of outcomes for all pupils including disadvantaged and/or those with SEND, in order to powerfully address social disadvantage.
  • Children will explore big ideas in greater depth, building on foundations through a deliberately sequenced curriculum which is ambitious and challenging.
  • We will deliver subject specific knowledge, making purposeful links where appropriate and develop the use of transferable skills across the curriculum.
  • Opportunities to read and the application of reading skills are embedded across the curriculum. The development of vocabulary and oracy will accelerate progress and narrow gaps.
  • Our curriculum is organised so that it builds on prior knowledge and skills so that learning is reiterative and alters long term memory.
  • Assessment is designed thoughtfully to shape future learning and usually takes place within the lesson. Teachers use this to support pupils to embed and use knowledge fluently and deepen their understanding.



Our curriculum is knowledge-rich and skills are acquired alongside core content in order that the fluent application of knowledge develops learners’ skills across a range of subjects. An importance is placed upon foundational knowledge, concepts and core skills so that sufficient knowledge is established, ready for the next stage of learning.

The curriculum is organised by subject domain with natural links between core content established where appropriate. This allows children to study the pure essence of each subject and develop as historians, musicians and the like.

Progression of knowledge and skills documents outline the core content to be covered for each subject. They provide clarity of the `sticky’ knowledge for each year group. These documents also contain the key vocabulary to be taught and provide relevant texts that will support each area.

Our medium term planning coherently sequences lessons to ensure the core content is covered. They provide a natural progression for pupils to continually layer their understanding and build upon prior learning. Retrieval practice is a key component of each lesson that allows pupils to revisit and revise prior content.

The use of Knowledge Organisers provide transparency within the curriculum, an overview of pre-teach content and also a means of tracking knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts which are regularly re-visited in the form of a variety of retrieval exercises.  This regular revisiting enables knowledge to be committed to long-term memory. 



5........png Ignite

Introduction of the Context for Learning

A question is used to spark interest.


Describe, list, outline, find, label, draw, match.

Pre-planning questions are used to shape how learning takes place, drawing objectives from the national curriculum and key skills from our skills progression documents.

6............png Explore

Exploration of the Context for learning

Sequence, classify, compare and contrast, explain (cause and effect), analyse, organise, distinguish, question, relate, apply, link prior learning.

The planned sequence of learning is followed to provide the children with the knowledge and skills required. Additions may be made in response to events, further questions, assessments or responding to the interests of the children.

7...png Reflect

Reflection on the Context for Learning

Generalise, predict, evaluate, reflect, hypothesise, theorise, create, prove, justify, argue, compose, design, construct, perform.

The children are able to communicate their learning to others via a variety of means.





Assessment is carried out continuously in the classroom as children learn. Through observations, peer assessment, marking and feedback and self-assessment, children are aware of what they have done well and how they can improve further.

From ongoing feedback on pupil progress, teachers will ensure that they are building on prior learning and knowledge. A range of assessment tools will be used to identify where pupils may need extra support or intervention.



In pursuit of both excellence and equity, Christleton Primary School is committed to providing all children with experiences that underpin and expand on their in-class education, increasing their range of skills and knowledge and giving them a richer tapestry on which to build.

Build a den

Plant it, grow it, eat it

Cook on fire

Learn the cookery basics

Paddle in the sea

Learn basic first aid

Learn to swim and be safe on water

Learn to ride a bike and be safe on the road

Learn to play a musical instrument

Do something for charity

Perform on stage

Try food from a different country

Build a sandcastle

Get a postcard from school

Have a responsibility

Create a piece of art from nature

Visit a museum

See a play in a theatre

Go on an overnight school trip

Visit an art gallery

Learn from failure






At Christleton Primary School we carefully consider and plan for transitions to ensure that our children are prepared, confident, secure and happy at each stage in their educational journey.

For more information about how we manage transitions please click here to view our transition page. 



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The impact of our well-constructed, well-taught curriculum is measured in terms to which our children have developed new knowledge, understanding and skills and they can use and recall this with fluency. We strive that our children’s attainment in the core and foundation subjects is in line with or exceeding age-related expectations.

Our work on promoting social skills, including values, resilience and well-being enables the children to become the very best version of themselves.

  • Our children are kind, display empathy and compassion whilst valuing diversity.
  • Our children are confident, independent and resilient.
  • Our children have a thirst for learning.
  • Our children are culturally knowledgeable about our country and the world
  • Our children are positive and aspirational about their future and know that anything can be achieved through persistence, determination and hard work.
  • Our children show integrity, doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.
  • Our children will be fully prepared for their next stage of education; ready to contribute positively to society as a whole.


Curriculum Documents


The curriculum at Christleton Primary School is organized across different documents according to the subject, year group and content being planned and delivered. An explanation of the documentation we have created can be accessed by clicking on the icon.

Should you wish to have further information about our curriculum or what your child is learning specifically please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, a member of the leadership team or the school office.




Our curriculum is aspirational in nature as it aims to challenge and inspire our pupils to achieve their full potential. By offering experiences that go beyond the national curriculum, we are equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel academically and thrive in an ever-changing world.

To see how we enhance our curriculum please click on the wow postit!

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Christleton Primary School

Quarry Ln, Christleton, Chester CH3 7AY
Our school is a place of learning where everyone is valued and positively encouraged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
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Get in Touch

Telephone 01244 455288
Contact Tina Harwood, Taryn Croft and Jane Hughes
Bursar and School Admin Assistants
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