

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic we have implemented many changes in order to ensure the safety of our school and local community.

Whilst COVID is much more manageable currently we still continue to be mindful of ensuring the school remains as safe as can be.

This page provides you with some information to help you to understand the systems and processes in place and how you can support us to keep everyone safe.



  1. Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend school
  2. Clean hands thoroughly more often than usual
  3. Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
  4. Introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using standard products such as detergents and bleach
  5. Minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible
  6. Where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

Numbers 1 to 4 must be in place in all schools, all the time.
Number 5 must be properly considered and schools must put in place measures that suit their particular circumstances.
Number 6 applies in specific circumstances.

The School Day

We continue to implement a drop off period at the start of the day. Not only has this eased the number of people entering the site at any one time but is has also helped to reduce congestion on the roads and pavements around the site.


School gates open at 08:40 and will remain open until 08:50.

Parents are requested to arrive within this ten-minute period.

The classroom doors are open from 08:40 allowing children to enter the school as soon as they arrive. The parent / carer dropping off should then leave the site immediately following our one-way system.



Your child is collected from their classroom door at the end of the day.

If your child is in key stage one (EYFS / reception class, year one or year two) then they should be collected at 15:20. (From Sept)

If your child is in key stage two (years three, four, five or six) they should also be collected at 15:20.

Importance of punctuality 

Punctuality will be hugely important to ensure that children are dropped off and collected efficiently. Parental support is very much requested here.

Travelling to and from school

To avoid congestions around the school building we have staggered the start and end of the day. We request, whenever possible that parents walk their children into school.

For those wishing to cycle or scoot to school we have storage on the key stage 2 playground. Please be mindful of social distancing when storing.

With the systems in place, we aim to have a smooth, fluid and efficient drop off and collection to minimise congestion and any risk of transmission


Parents on site

During drop off and collection parents come onto the school grounds.

We politely request that any siblings are kept under supervision and prevented from running around and/or using the school’s play equipment.

Attending School

Attendance is mandatory. For parents and carers of children of compulsory school age, this means that the legal duty on parents to send children to school regularly will apply.


Break times

Our break and lunch times have returned to the pre-covid arrangements.

In the afternoon the children complete the daily mile at a point chosen by the class teacher. This period ensure all children have a focussed period detonated to well-being and fitness each and every day.

Use of equipment during break times

We are very fortunate to have a plentiful supply of playground equipment. The children are able to make use of this equipment, including our climbing frames, outdoor gym, outdoor libraries and sports equipment as the risk of any transmission is extremely low.

Lunch time

A full cooked lunch menu is in operation.

Following the government guidance, the organisation of school lunches have returned to 'normal'. We will continue to separate classes as much as possible in the hall and disinfect tables between sittings.


We still request parents to support the school with regard to a child with COVID. It is our request that children with COVID-19 should not attend school.

It remains the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child is well enough to attend each day. Parents will be asked to come to school if there are any concerns over a child’s health.

Covid Symptoms

Where symptoms of COVID-19 are suspected and if your child is unwell, they should not attend school.

The school policy for all other illnesses and conditions will continue to apply, including the 48-hour rule for sickness/diarrhoea. If anyone develops any illnesses whilst at school, parents will be contacted and school will expect children to be collected and taken from the premises with the minimum delay.


Self-isolation, partial school closure or full school closure

As a school we will continue to follow government advice at a national and local level. While we anticipate that schools are unlikely to close again there is the possibility of local closures or classes requiring to self-isolate if there are cases or the infection rate spikes sufficiently.

Locally we will be governed by the advice provided by the government. In the event of a spike in infection rates resulting in localised community spread, the government will decide the necessary actions.

In the event of the school having confirmed COVID-19 cases among pupils or staff, or observing an increased in the number of children or staff absent due to suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus, the school will work with the local health protection team to identify the best course of action. 

If an outbreak in a school or college is confirmed there is the possibility of a mobile testing unit being dispatched to the school. This unit would test everyone who may have been in contact with the person who has tested positive. Testing will first focus on the person’s class, followed by their year group, then the whole school or college, if necessary. For all of the above scenarios it is vital that parents support the action the school takes.

Provision of education in event of a full or partial closure

The school has planned for several eventualities to ensure it can still provide an education in the event of a lock down or partial closure. This provision will make use of weekly learning grids, the online platform Seesaw and may include live sessions led by the teacher (assuming the teacher is well).

We do fully appreciate the challenge of home learning, especially if this is initiated at short notice, but we would appreciate parental assistance in ensuring that children can access these learning activities and resources should some form of lockdown / closure occur.

Water bottles

Children will need to bring their own water bottle into school. This will need to be named and filled prior to their arrival.


Children can bring a healthy snack into school should they wish.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are able to purchase items from the school kitchen. These items will need to be paid for in advance via the ParentPay system.


School Uniform 

Children will be expected to wear their school uniform when they return to school. Uniforms should be clean and washed frequently during the week.

During the autumn term we are going to continue to allow children to wear their school PE kit on the days participate in physical education.

When they have forest school a school top should be worn with an appropriate coat, trousers and footwear.


Following the changes in Government guidance, the school no longer has ‘bubbles’. The children are being taught as pre-covid.

Home-School Agreement

The home-school agreement which includes COVID-19 specific elements will continue to be in place. In order to ensure the safety of all pupils and staff, parents will be required to agree to this agreement and support its implementation. 

Behaviour expectations

In order to keep all staff and children safe within the school, behaviour expectations will be clearly explained to the children and consistently applied. Should a child continue to not adhere to requests the schools’ behaviour system will be applied.


The school continues to implement the latest advice within the classrooms.
The school continues to make use of the previously purchased HEPA air purifying units. These units filter the air and will be used in teaching areas where the ventilation is less. Throughout the school building internal doors will be kept open to reduce the number of contact points. External doors will be closed when children and staff leave the room. 


One of the best ways to reduce the spread of the disease is through good personal hygiene, notably hand washing. Due to the nature of the virus, a simple detergent (soap) and the action of washing hands is the best way to wash the virus off the skin and down the drain.

To increase washing capacity, the school has installed additional sink units within classrooms.

Tissues are available in all classrooms in case of need. Coughing and sneezing should be done into the sleeve (into the ‘elbow pit’) or into a tissue. If a tissue is used, this should be disposed of immediately and hands should be washed - ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’. Lidded bins are available in all classrooms for the safe disposal of these tissues.

We will remind pupils to try and avoid touching their face if possible.

Outdoor Learning

Teachers will continue to plan to use the outdoor environment where it can enhance or benefit the learning taking place. It is recognised that being outside lessens the spread of the virus due to the amount of free-flowing air and greater distances possible. We request therefore that children have coats in school or sun cream applied / hats dependent on the weather forecast.

Use of toilet facilities

Additional cleaning continues to take place of all toilet areas. The toilets are used as pre-coivd.

First Aid

Activities during the school day will be planned to minimise risk and therefore the need for first aid; however, accidents happen and staff have a duty of care for the children (as well as there being a duty of care for the staff by the school). Staff may use PPE to ensure that they are protected from harm, but all casualties will receive first aid as required. Where there is a minor injury, staff will work with children in a caring and supportive way, comforting and giving medical treatment whilst also protecting themselves. Where possible, the member of staff who is working within the bubble will be giving the first aid - first aid kits and PPE are available in all classrooms.

Our usual procedures will apply regarding when and how to contact parents in these circumstances.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It is acknowledged that changing habits, cleaning and hygiene are the most effective measures in controlling the spread of the virus. Although DfE guidance states the use of PPE in schools is not necessary with social distancing and personal hygiene most important, we believe that for some instances, its availability and use provides increased reassurance.

  • Suitable PPE (disposable gloves and facemasks) may be used when dealing with first aid
  • PPE (disposable gloves, mask and disposable apron) may be used where any intimate care is required, for example: children soiling themselves and requiring support in being cleaned, where parents are not immediately available to support this
  • PPE (disposable gloves, mask and disposable apron) will be used to clean any bodily fluids (urine, faeces, vomit, blood, etc.)
  • PPE (disposable gloves, masks) will be worn in the event of having to isolate a child and they need direct personal care before they can return home
  • Face coverings, whilst not recommended in primary schools, may be worn by staff and a small number of children, where their use has been medically advised. For children, this will mean school staff, health professionals and family writing an agreed temporary care plan

Before and After School Care

S4YC provide our before and after school care and have their own procedures and systems in place that are aligned with the schools’ processes. Should you wish your child to attend this provision please contact them directly. 

Contacting school

The office will be staffed at all times.

Should you need to contact the school office please use the following

The school phone number 01244 455288 or

The school email [email protected]



Remote Learning

For our approach to Remote Learning please see our Remote Learning page which can be accessed by clicking on the link below:

Remote Learning @ Christleton Primary School




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Christleton Primary School

Quarry Ln, Christleton, Chester CH3 7AY
Our school is a place of learning where everyone is valued and positively encouraged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
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Get in Touch

Telephone 01244 455288
Contact Tina Harwood, Taryn Croft and Jane Hughes
Bursar and School Admin Assistants
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