
It remains the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child is well enough to attend each day.


If your child is ill, please notify our school by telephone as soon as possible on the first day of absence and on subsequent days if your child is still unwell

  • In cases of infectious diseases, it is essential that we are informed
  • If your child has diarrhoea OR sickness, he/she should not return to school for 48 hours after the last bout of illness. If your child has diarrhoea AND sickness, he/she should not return to school for 48 hours after the last bout of illness
  • If a child becomes ill during the day, his/her parents or carers will be contacted. Therefore, please let us know immediately if you (or named emergency contacts) change your address or telephone number


No-one with symptoms of COVID-19 should attend school for any reason.

Guidance will be followed if COVID-19 symptoms are suspected, this may include temperature checks. Parents will be asked to come to school if there are any concerns over a child’s health.

Where symptoms of COVID-19 are suspected, parents should arrange for a test for their child as soon as possible. No member of the school community should return to school until the period of self-isolation has been completed, symptoms have disappeared and medical advice sought. 

Please refer to the COVID-19 section of the website for up-to-date information. COVID-19 Information


If your child has been prescribed medicines, please ensure that he/she is able to cope with a full day at school before returning after an illness. If your child needs to take medicines on his/her return, a form must be completed and the medicine left in our office. Please do not send medicines in with your child.  Only  medicines in their original containers, clearly labelled with your child’s name, will be accepted. Long term prescribed medicines such as inhalers must be left, with a completed form, in our school office.

Medical and Dental Appointments

Please let our school office know, in advance, if your child has an appointment during school time. Please also let us know at what time you will collect your child for the appointment and please sign your child out and then sign in again at our school office upon his/her return to school.

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When Should My Child Return To School

The chart below provides a useful guide regarding returning to school folllowing an illness. 

As stated at the top, it remains the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child is well enough to attend each day.

When should my child return to school.png



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Christleton Primary School

Quarry Ln, Christleton, Chester CH3 7AY
Our school is a place of learning where everyone is valued and positively encouraged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
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Get in Touch

Telephone 01244 455288
Contact Tina Harwood, Taryn Croft and Jane Hughes
Bursar and School Admin Assistants
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